Press the Alt key again if you want to hide the meeting controls during the meeting.Press the Alt key to show the meeting controls for the duration of the meeting.If using a computer, select Join with Computer Audio. You will be prompted to choose an audio source for the meeting.When entering a meeting a window will open with a Zoom Meeting ID.Leave the window open during the event.If you enter the meeting before the host has joined, you will see a window stating Please wait for the host to start this meeting.If you already have Zoom installed, you will be prompted to Open Zoom Meetings.If you haven't used Zoom before, you will need to click on the link 'download and run Zoom'.A Launch Meeting page will open in your web browser.When the time of the meeting arrives, open either the email invite or the calendar invite and click on the link to the meeting.
It works on Windows, Mac and Linux and has apps for both iPhone and Android. Zoom is a video conferencing platform that is often used to conduct meetings and video conferences via the web.